2024년 인천시 12월 및 연간 고용동향
전년동월대비 15이상 및 경제활동인구 증가 취업자 및 실업자 증가,36시간 미만 및 이상 취업자 증가, 주당 평균 취업시간 감소
기사입력: 2025/01/16 [11:05]  최종편집: ⓒ ebreaknews.com
박상도 기자
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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▲ 인천시 2024년 12월 및 연간 고용동향(사진제공:경인지방통계청)  © 박상도 기자

(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 경인지방통계청이 16일, 2024년 인천시 12월 및 연간 고용동향을 발표했다,


자료에서 15세이상인구 및 경제활동인구을 보면, 2024년 12월 15세이상인구는 269만 2천명으로 전년동월대비 4만 8천명(1.8%) 증가했다.


경제활동인구는 177만 6천명으로 전년동월대비 7만 6천명(4.5%) 증가했으며 경제활동참가율은 65.9%로 전년동월대비 1.6%p 상승했다.


비경제활동인구는 91만 7천명으로 전년동월대비 2만 8천명(-3.0%) 감소했으며 성별 전년동월대비 증감을 보면 남자는 33만 4천명으로 1만 2천명(-3.6%), 여자는 58만 3천명으로 1만 6천명(-2.7%) 각각 감소했다.


취업자 동향에서 취업자 및 고용률를 보면, 2024년 12월 취업자는 169만 8천명으로 전년동월대비 5만 1천명(3.1%) 증가했다.


성별 전년동월대비 증감을 보면 남자는 95만 8천명으로 1만 8천명(1.9%), 여자는 74만명으로 3만 3천명(4.6%) 각각 증가했다.


고용률은 63.1%로 전년동월대비 0.8%p 상승했으며 성별 전년동월대비 증감을 보면 남자는 71.8%로 동일했으나, 여자는  54.4%로 1.4%p 상승했다.


15~64세 고용률(OECD 비교 기준)은 70.5%로 전년동월대비 1.1%p 상승했다.


산업 및 직업별 취업자에서 산업별 취업자의 전년동월대비 증감을 보면, 사업․개인․공공서비스 및 기타 3만 9천명(6.3%), 전기․운수․통신․금융업 3만 3천명(13.4%) 각각 증가했으나, 건설업 1만 7천명(-11.3%), 제조업 9천명(-2.8%), 도소매․숙박음식점업 2천명(-0.7%) 각각 감소했다.


직업별 취업자의 전년동월대비 증감을 보면,관리자ㆍ전문가 5만 1천명(14.7%), 서비스ㆍ판매종사자 2만 2천명(6.2%), 사무종사자 1만 3천명(3.9%) 각각 증가했으나 기능·기계조작·조립·단순종사자는 4만 1천명(-6.6%) 감소했다.


종사상 지위별 취업자에서 종사상 지위별로 전년동월대비 증감을 보면 임금근로자는 4만 6천명(3.5%), 비임금근로자는 4천명(1.4%) 각각 증가했다.


임금근로자 중 상용근로자 5만명(5.2%), 임시근로자 6천명(2.0%) 각각 증가했으나, 일용근로자 1만명(-14.1%) 감소했다.


비임금근로자 중 자영업자 2천명(0.7%), 무급가족종사자 2천명(7.8%) 각각 증가했다.


취업시간대별 취업자에서 취업시간대별 취업자의 전년동월대비 증감을 보면, 36시간 미만 취업자는 35만 5천명으로 3만 8천명(11.9%) 증가했고, 36시간 이상 취업자는 132만 3천명으로 1만 8천명(1.4%) 증가했다.


주당 평균 취업시간은 39.5시간으로 전년동월대비 0.2시간 감소했다.


실업자 동향에서 2024년 12월 실업자는 7만 8천명으로 전년동월대비 2만 6천명(48.7%) 증가했다.


성별 전년동월대비 증감을 보면 남자는 4만 1천명으로 1만 8천명(77.7%), 여자는 3만 7천명으로 7천명(25.4%) 각각 증가했다.


실업률은 4.4%로 전년동월대비 1.3%p 상승했으며 성별 전년동월대비 증감을 보면 남자는 4.1%로 1.7%p, 여자는 4.7%로 0.7%p 각각 상승했다.


2024년 4분기 실업률은 3.3%으로 전년동분기(2.6%)보다 0.7%p 상승, 그 중 청년실업률(15~29세)은 6.4%로 전년동분기(5.7%)보다 0.7%p 상승했다.


2024년 인천시 고용동향을 보면 취업자에서 2024년 인천시 고용률은 63.5%로 전년대비 0.4%p 상승했으며 취업자는 169만 6천명으로 전년대비 4만 1천명(2.5%) 증가했고 경제활동인구는 175만 3천명으로 전년대비 4만 4천명(2.6%) 증가했다.


실업자에서 2024년 인천시 실업률은 3.3%로 전년대비 0.1%p 상승했으며 실업자는 5만 7천명으로 전년대비 3천명(5.5%) 증가했다.


비경제활동인구는 91만 8천명으로 전년대비 4천명(0.4%) 증가했다.


*아래는 위 기사를 ‘구글 번역’으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is trying to improve comprehension. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


2024 Incheon City December and Annual Employment Trends

Increase in the economically active population of 15 years or older compared to the same month of the previous year, increase in the number of employed and unemployed, increase in the number of employed people working less than or more than 36 hours, decrease in the average weekly working hours

-Break News Incheon Park Sang-do reporter


On the 16th, the Gyeongin Regional Statistical Office announced the 2024 Incheon City December and Annual Employment Trends,


Looking at the population aged 15 years or older and the economically active population in the data, the population aged 15 years or older in December 2024 was 2.692 million, an increase of 48,000 (1.8%) compared to the same month of the previous year.


The economically active population increased by 76,000 (4.5%) year-on-year to 1.776 million, and the economic activity participation rate rose by 1.6%p year-on-year to 65.9%.


The economically inactive population decreased by 28,000 (-3.0%) year-on-year to 917,000, and looking at the year-on-year increase and decrease by gender, males decreased by 12,000 (-3.6%) to 334,000, and females decreased by 16,000 (-2.7%) to 583,000.


Looking at the employment trend in terms of employed persons and employment rate, the number of employed persons in December 2024 was 1.698 million, an increase of 51,000 (3.1%) year-on-year.


Looking at the year-on-year increase/decrease by gender, males increased by 18,000 (1.9%) to 958,000, and females increased by 33,000 (4.6%) to 740,000.


The employment rate rose by 0.8%p year-on-year to 63.1%, and looking at the year-on-year increase/decrease by gender, males remained the same at 71.8%, but females rose by 1.4%p to 54.4%.


The employment rate for those aged 15-64 (based on OECD comparison criteria) rose by 1.1%p year-on-year to 70.5%.


Looking at the year-on-year increase/decrease in the number of employed by industry and occupation, the number of employed in business, personal, public service, and others increased by 39,000 (6.3%), and the number of employed in electricity, transportation, communication, and finance increased by 33,000 (13.4%), but the number of employed in construction decreased by 17,000 (-11.3%), the number of employed in manufacturing increased by 9,000 (-2.8%), and the number of employed in wholesale, retail, and accommodation and food service decreased by 2,000 (-0.7%).


Looking at the year-on-year increase/decrease in the number of employed in occupation, the number of employed in managers and experts increased by 51,000 (14.7%), the number of employed in service and sales increased by 22,000 (6.2%), and the number of employed in office work increased by 13,000 (3.9%), but the number of employed in functional, machine operation, assembly, and simple work decreased by 41,000 (-6.6%).


Looking at the year-on-year increase/decrease by employment status in the employment status, wage earners increased by 46,000 (3.5%) and non-wage earners increased by 4,000 (1.4%).


Among wage earners, regular workers increased by 50,000 (5.2%) and temporary workers increased by 6,000 (2.0%), but daily workers decreased by 10,000 (-14.1%).


Among non-wage earners, self-employed workers increased by 2,000 (0.7%) and unpaid family workers increased by 2,000 (7.8%).


Looking at the year-on-year increase/decrease by employment time period in the employment time period, those employed less than 36 hours increased by 38,000 (11.9%) to 355,000, and those employed more than 36 hours increased by 18,000 (1.4%) to 1,323,000.


The average weekly working hours decreased by 0.2 hours year-on-year to 39.5 hours.


In terms of unemployment trends, the number of unemployed in December 2024 was 78,000, an increase of 26,000 (48.7%) year-on-year.


Looking at the year-on-year increase and decrease by gender, the number of males increased by 18,000 (77.7%) to 41,000, and the number of females increased by 7,000 (25.4%) to 37,000.


The unemployment rate rose by 1.3%p year-on-year to 4.4%, and looking at the year-on-year increase and decrease by gender, the number of males increased by 1.7%p to 4.1%, and the number of females increased by 0.7%p to 4.7%.


The unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2024 is 3.3%, up 0.7%p from the same quarter of the previous year (2.6%), and among them, the youth unemployment rate (15-29 years old) is 6.4%, up 0.7%p from the same quarter of the previous year (5.7%).


Looking at the employment trends in Incheon City in 2024, the employment rate in Incheon City in 2024 is 63.5%, up 0.4%p from the previous year, and the number of employed people is 1.696 million, up 41,000 (2.5%) from the previous year, and the economically active population is 1.753 million, up 44,000 (2.6%) from the previous year.


The unemployment rate in Incheon City in 2024 is 3.3%, up 0.1%p from the previous year, and the number of unemployed people is 57,000, up 3,000 (5.5%) from the previous year.


The economically inactive population increased by 4,000 (0.4%) from the previous year to 918,000.

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