▲ '9월의 인천세관인' 선정 (왼쪽부터) 백왕근, 박경민, 이정희, 주시경 세관장, 양일분,전여림,정병삼(사진제공:인천본부세관) ©박상도 기자
(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 인천본부세관이 27일, '9월의 인천세관인'에 이정희 주무관을 선정했다고 밝혔다.
인천세관에 따르면, 9월의 인천세관인으로 선정된 이정희 주무관은 코로나 시기 급성장한 명품업체의 편법적 가격정책 적발과 반도체 및 기타화학 전자산업에 사용되는 화학물품을 수입·판매하는 다국적기업의 관행적 저가신고 적발을 통해 240억 세수 확보에 기여한 공로를 인정받았다.
또 , 인천세관은 업무 분야별 유공자로는 일반행정분야 유공자에 저탄소 배출 중소기업을 발굴하여 수출경쟁력 강화를 위한 EU CBAM 대응 맞춤형 컨설팅을 제공하고 매뉴얼을 제작하여 배포한 박경민 주무관을 선정했다.
적극행정분야 유공자에는 상표법을 위반하여 압수된 총 1억원 상당의 매트리스 25점을 국내상표권자 협조를 얻어 항균처리, 커버교체 후 관내 복지시설 기증을 추진하여 예산절감·환경보호·사회복지를 실천한 정병삼 주무관과 백왕근 주무관을 선정했다.
또한, 중국계 해외직구 플랫폼인 C커머스를 통해 반입한 K팝 굿즈를 포함하여 이어폰, 충전기, 선글라스 등 국민생활 밀접 품목의 상표권 침해물품 5만여 점을 대량 적발한 양일분 주무관과 환급 원재료 소요량 분석방법을 자체 발굴하여 과다환급금 적발과 동시에 ‘환급금 찾아주기’로 중소기업 세정지원활동을 전개한 전여림 주무관을 각각 이달의 업무 우수자로 선정했다.
인천본부세관은 앞으로도 관세행정에서 탁월한 역량을 발휘하고, 적극적인 행정으로 기관 발전에 기여한 직원을 발굴해 포상할 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated by ‘Google Translate’. ‘Google Translate’ is working to improve comprehension. There may be errors in the English translation.>
'Incheon Customs Person of the Month for September' Lee Jeong-hee, Chief Supervisor selected
Recognized for securing 24 billion won in tax revenue by exposing the illegal pricing policies of global luxury brands, etc.
-Break News Incheon Park Sang-do reporter
Incheon Main Customs announced on the 27th that it had selected Lee Jeong-hee, Chief Supervisor, as the Incheon Customs Person of the Month for September.
According to Incheon Customs, Lee Jeong-hee, who was selected as the Incheon Customs Person of the Month for September, was recognized for her contribution to securing 24 billion won in tax revenue by exposing the illegal pricing policies of luxury brands that grew rapidly during the COVID-19 period and the customary low-price declarations of multinational companies that import and sell chemical products used in the semiconductor and other chemical electronics industries.
In addition, Incheon Customs selected Park Gyeong-min, Chief Supervisor, who provided customized consulting for EU CBAM response to enhance export competitiveness by discovering low-carbon emission SMEs and produced and distributed a manual for her contribution in the general administration field.
For those who have contributed to the active administration sector, Chief Officer Jeong Byeong-sam and Chief Officer Baek Wang-geun were selected for their efforts in reducing budget, protecting the environment, and social welfare by obtaining cooperation from domestic trademark owners to treat 25 mattresses worth a total of 100 million won that were seized in violation of the Trademark Act, replacing the covers, and donating them to welfare facilities within the jurisdiction.
In addition, Chief Officer Yang Il-bun, who detected a large number of trademark-infringing items such as earphones, chargers, and sunglasses, including K-pop goods imported through C-commerce, a Chinese overseas direct purchase platform, and Chief Officer Jeon Yeo-rim, who discovered a method to analyze the amount of raw materials required for refunds and simultaneously detected excessive refunds and carried out tax support activities for small and medium-sized businesses by ‘finding refunds,’ were selected as the best workers of the month.
Incheon Main Customs plans to continue to discover and reward employees who have demonstrated outstanding capabilities in customs administration and contributed to the development of the agency through active administration.