▲ 월별 수출입 전년대비 증감률(%)(사진제공:인천세관) © 박상도 기자
(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 관세청 인천세관이 16일, 2024년 7월 인천지역 수출입 현황을 발표했다.
자료애 따르면, 전년 동월 대비 수출은 11.1% 증가한 48.8억 달러, 수입은 12.6% 증가한 51.1억 달러로, 무역수지 2.3억 달러 적자 기록했다.
7월 수출은 전년 동월 대비 1개월만에 증가세로 전환, 수입은 4개월 연속 증가 기록했다.
수출을 품목별로 보면, 주요 수출품목 중에 반도체(전년동월대비 증감률 32.1%)ㆍ기계류와 정밀기기(12.3%)ㆍ의약품(62.1%)ㆍ무선통신기기(11.3%) 등은 증가했으나, 철강제품(△8.1)ㆍ승용차(△34.9%)ㆍ자동차부품(△19.1%) 등은 감소했다.
국가별로는 주요 수출대상국 중에 중국(전년동월대비 증감률 23.0%)ㆍ유럽연합(61.4%)ㆍ베트남(10.2%)ㆍ대만(30.8%) 등은 증가했으나, 미국(△24.7%)ㆍ싱가포르(△21.0%) 등은 감소했다.
수입을 품목별로 보면, 주요 수입품목 중에 반도체(전년동월대비 증감률 42.3%)․원유(9.0%)․가스(52.4%)․정보통신기기(73.5%) 등은 증가했으나, 기계류와 정밀기기(△4.8%)․광물(△31.6%)․화공품(△15.2%) 등은 감소했다,
소비재는 금(150.4%)ㆍ플라스틱제품(19.9%) 등 증가했으나, 곡물(△49.8%)ㆍ가전제품(△7.6%)ㆍ의류(△5.7%) 등의 감소로 전체적으로 8.7% 감소했다.
원자재는 원유(9.0%)ㆍ가스(52.4%) 등은 증가했고, 광물(△31.6%)ㆍ화공품(△15.2%)ㆍ경공업원료(△15.0%) 등은 감소했으나 전체적으로 2.5% 증가했다.
자본재는 반도체(42.3%)ㆍ정보통신기기(73.5%) 등은 증가했고, 기계류와 정밀기기(△4.8%)ㆍ수송장비(△12.3%) 등은 감소했으나 전체적으로 27.2% 증가했다.
국가별로는 주요 수입대상국 중에 대만(전년동월대비 증감률 128.2%)ㆍ중국(2.3%)ㆍ중동(59.8%)ㆍ미국(33.4%) 등은 증가했으며, 일본(△6.6%)ㆍ호주(△14.2%)ㆍ유럽연합(△10.7%) 등은 감소했다.
물동량은 인천항을 통한 7월 컨테이너 수출입 물동량은 전체 28.0만 TEU(전국 비중 10.4%)로, 전년 동월 대비 3.7% 감소했다.
수출입 특이사항으로는 7월 수출은 전년 동월 대비 11.1% 증가한 48.8억 달러로, 1개월 만에 다시 증가세로 전환됐으며 전월 대비 수출액 또한 3.1% 증가했다.
수출 중량은 전년 동월 대비 11.8% 증가한 107.0만 톤 기록했다.
국가별 수출은 주요 교역국인 중국(23.0%)은 1개월 만에 증가세를, 미국(△24.7%)은 10개월 만에 감소세를 기록했다.
인천지역 최대 수출품목인 반도체 수출 실적은 전년 동월 대비 32.1% 증가하며, 지난해 11월부터 9개월 연속 증가세를 기록했다.
승용차 수출은 전년 동월 대비 중고차 수출은 증가(21.0%)했으나, 신차 수출 감소(△60.0%) 영향으로 2개월 연속 감소세(△34.9%)를 기록했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is trying to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Incheon region trade balance recorded a deficit of 230 million dollars in July 2024
Exports increased by 11.1% to 4.88 billion dollars, imports increased by 12.6% to 5.11 billion dollars
-Break News Incheon Reporter Park Sang-do
Incheon Customs Office of the Korea Customs Service announced the Incheon region export and import status in July 2024 on the 16th.
According to the data, exports increased by 11.1% to $4.88 billion compared to the same month last year, and imports increased by 12.6% to $5.11 billion, recording a trade deficit of $230 million.
In July, exports turned to an increase for the first time in a month compared to the same month last year, and imports increased for the fourth consecutive month.
Looking at exports by item, semiconductors (year-on-year increase rate of 32.1%), machinery and precision equipment (12.3%), pharmaceuticals (62.1%), and wireless communication devices (11.3%) among major export items increased, but steel products (△8.1), passenger cars (△34.9%), and auto parts (△19.1%) decreased.
By country, among major export destinations, China (year-on-year increase rate of 23.0%), the European Union (61.4%), Vietnam (10.2%), and Taiwan (30.8%) increased, but the United States (△24.7%) and Singapore (△21.0%) decreased.
Looking at imports by item, among major import items, semiconductors (year-on-year increase rate of 42.3%), crude oil (9.0%), gas (52.4%), and information and communication devices (73.5%) increased, but machinery and precision equipment (△4.8%), minerals (△31.6%), and chemicals (△15.2%) decreased.
Consumer goods increased in gold (150.4%) and plastic products (19.9%), but decreased in grains (△49.8%), home appliances (△7.6%), and clothing (△5.7%), resulting in an overall decrease of 8.7%.
Raw materials increased in crude oil (9.0%) and gas (52.4%), but decreased in minerals (△31.6%), chemicals (△15.2%), and light industrial raw materials (△15.0%), but increased overall by 2.5%.
Capital goods increased by 42.3% for semiconductors (42.3%) and information and communication devices (73.5%), while machinery and precision equipment (△4.8%) and transportation equipment (△12.3%) decreased, but overall increased by 27.2%.
By country, among major import destinations, Taiwan (year-on-year increase rate of 128.2%), China (2.3%), the Middle East (59.8%), and the United States (33.4%) increased, while Japan (△6.6%), Australia (△14.2%), and the European Union (△10.7%) decreased.
In terms of cargo volume, the total container export and import volume through Incheon Port in July was 280,000 TEU (10.4% of the national share), down 3.7% from the same month last year.
As for export and import special features, exports in July increased by 11.1% year-on-year to $4.88 billion, turning to an increase again after one month, and exports also increased by 3.1% month-on-month.
Export weight recorded 1.07 million tons, up 11.8% year-on-year.
By country, China (23.0%), a major trading partner, recorded an increase after one month, while the US (△24.7%) recorded a decrease after ten months.
The export performance of semiconductors, the largest export item in the Incheon region, increased by 32.1% year-on-year, recording an increase for nine consecutive months since November of last year.
Passenger car exports recorded a decrease (△34.9%) for two consecutive months due to the decrease in new car exports (△60.0%), although used car exports increased (21.0%) year-on-year.