▲ 어린이 교통안전 캠페인(사진제공:인천계양경찰서) © 박상도 기자
(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 인천계양경찰서가 지난 19일 계양구 병방초등학교에서 어린이 교통안전 문화와 안전한 등굣길 교통환경 조성을 위해 어린이 교통안전 캠페인을 펼쳤다고 밝혔다.
계양서에 따르면, 이날 캠페인에는 경찰, 병방초교 관계자, 교통안전공단, 녹색어머니연합회, 모범운전자회 등이 참가한 가운데 진행됐으며 참가들은 어린이들의 안전한 통학로 확보와 어린이보호구역 안전운전 홍보에 힘썼다.
또, 어린이들에게는 교통안전 문구가 담긴 지우개, 포돌이·포순이 연필 등을 배부하며 안전보행 3원칙(서다·보다·걷다)을 준수할 수 있도록 적극 지도했다.
김난영 경찰서장은 “어린이보호구역 내 불법 주·정차 금지, 제한속도 준수 등 어린이 보호에 적극 동참해달라”고 당부하며 “스쿨존에서의 교통법규 위반 단속과 홍보활동을 강화하고, 교통시설물을 정비하여 어린이들이 안전한 보행환경을 만들겠다.”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated with ‘Google Translate’. ‘Google Translate’ is making efforts to increase understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Gyeyangseo launches ‘Children’s Traffic Safety Campaign’...,
Focusing on establishing a child-centered traffic safety culture with participation from Green Mothers Association, Korea Transportation Safety Authority, etc.
-Break News Incheon Reporter Park Sang-do
Incheon Gyeyang Police Station announced on the 19th that it launched a children's traffic safety campaign at Byeongbang Elementary School in Gyeyang-gu to create a traffic safety culture for children and a safe traffic environment on the way to school.
According to Gyeyangseo, the campaign was carried out on this day with the participation of the police, Byeongbang Elementary School officials, Korea Transportation Safety Authority, Green Mothers Association, and Model Drivers Association, and the participants worked to secure safe routes to school for children and promote safe driving in child protection zones.
In addition, children were distributed erasers with traffic safety phrases, Podori and Posuni pencils, and were actively instructed to follow the three principles of safe walking (stand, look, walk).
Police Chief Kim Nan-young asked, “Please actively participate in protecting children, such as prohibiting illegal parking and stopping in child protection zones and complying with speed limits,” and added, “We will strengthen crackdowns on traffic violations and public relations activities in school zones, and improve traffic facilities to protect children.” “We will create a safe pedestrian environment,” he said.