▲ 2024년 8월 인천시 소비자물가동향(사진제공:경인지방통계청) © 박상도 기자
(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 경인지반통계청이 3일, 2024년 8월 인천시 소비자물가동향을 발표했다.
자료에서 소비자물가지수 동향을 보면, 8월 인천시 소비자물가지수는 115.17(2020년=100)로 전월대비 0.4% 상승했으며 전년동월대비 2.2% 상승하여, 지난달(2.8%) 대비 0.6%p 하락됐다.
생활물가지수는 전월대비 0.5%, 전년동월대비 2.5% 각각 상승했다.
식품은 전월대비 0.7%, 전년동월대비 3.3% 각각 상승했으며 식품이외 또한 전월대비 0.4%, 전년동월대비 2.0% 각각 상승했다.
전월세포함생활물가지수는 전월대비 0.4%, 전년동월대비 2.2% 각각 상승했다.
신선식품지수는 전월대비 5.5%, 전년동월대비 6.4% 각각 상승했다.
신선어개는 전월대비 0.8%, 전년동월대비 1.2% 각각 하락됐으며 신선채소는 전월대비 16.1% 상승한 반면, 전년동월대비 2.7% 하락됐다.
신선과실은 전월대비 1.5%, 전년동월대비 18.5% 각각 상승했다.
소비자물가지수 부문별에서 지출목적별 동향을 보면, 전월대비 식료품·비주류음료(1.2%), 주택·수도·전기·연료(0.7%), 음식·숙박(0.4%), 교통(0.3%), 보건(0.1%), 교육(0.1%) 등은 상승했고, 가정용품·가사서비스, 통신, 오락·문화는 변동 없으며, 기타 상품·서비스(-0.5%) 등은 하락됐다.
전년동월대비 식료품·비주류음료(3.2%), 음식·숙박(2.9%), 주택·수도·전기·연료(2.0%), 교통(2.5%), 기타 상품·서비스(3.7%), 의류·신발(2.5%), 가정용품·가사서비스(2.1%), 보건(1.1%), 교육(1.2%), 오락·문화(1.2%), 통신(0.4%), 주류·담배(0.6%) 모두 상승했다.
품목성질별 동향을 보면, 상품은 전월대비 06%, 전년동월대비 2.1% 각각 상승했다.
농축수산물은 전월대비 2.3%, 전년동월대비 4.5% 각각 상승했으며 공업제품은 전월대비 변동 없으며, 전년동월대비 1.2% 상승했다.
전기·가스·수도는 전월대비 2.5%, 전년동월대비 4.2% 각각 상승햇다.
또, 서비스는 전월대비 0.2%, 전년동월대비 2.3% 각각 상승했다.
집세는 전월대비, 전년동월대비 각각 변동 없으며 공공서비스는 전월대비 0.1%, 전년동월대비 2.4% 각각 상승했다.
개인서비스는 전월대비 0.3%, 전년동월대비 2.9% 각각 상승했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is trying to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Consumer Price Trends in Incheon City in August 2024
Consumer prices, living expenses, and fresh food indices increased compared to the same month last year
-Break News Incheon Park Sang-do reporter
On the 3rd, the Gyeonggi Regional Statistics Office announced the consumer price trends in Incheon City in August 2024.
Looking at the consumer price index trends in the data, the Incheon City consumer price index in August was 115.17 (2020 = 100), up 0.4% from the previous month and up 2.2% from the same month last year, down 0.6%p from the previous month (2.8%).
The living expenses index increased 0.5% from the previous month and 2.5% from the same month last year, respectively.
Food rose 0.7% month-on-month and 3.3% year-on-year, while non-food items also rose 0.4% month-on-month and 2.0% year-on-year.
The previous month's consumer price index including tax rose 0.4% month-on-month and 2.2% year-on-year.
The fresh food index rose 5.5% month-on-month and 6.4% year-on-year.
Fresh seafood fell 0.8% month-on-month and 1.2% year-on-year, while fresh vegetables rose 16.1% month-on-month and 2.7% year-on-year.
Fresh fruit rose 1.5% month-on-month and 18.5% year-on-year.
Looking at trends by spending purpose in the consumer price index sector, compared to the previous month, food and non-alcoholic beverages (1.2%), housing, water, electricity, and fuel (0.7%), food and lodging (0.4%), transportation (0.3%), health (0.1%), and education (0.1%) rose, while household goods and housekeeping services, communications, entertainment and culture remained unchanged, and other goods and services (-0.5%) fell.
Compared to the same month last year, food and non-alcoholic beverages (3.2%), food and lodging (2.9%), housing, water, electricity, and fuel (2.0%), transportation (2.5%), other goods and services (3.7%), clothing and shoes (2.5%), household goods and housekeeping services (2.1%), health (1.1%), education (1.2%), entertainment and culture (1.2%), communications (0.4%), and alcohol and tobacco (0.6%) all rose.
Looking at the trends by product type, goods rose 06% month-on-month and 2.1% year-on-year.
Agricultural and marine products rose 2.3% month-on-month and 4.5% year-on-year, respectively, while industrial products remained unchanged month-on-month and rose 1.2% year-on-year.
Electricity, gas, and water rose 2.5% month-on-month and 4.2% year-on-year, respectively.
In addition, services rose 0.2% month-on-month and 2.3% year-on-year.
Rent remained unchanged month-on-month and year-on-year, respectively, while public services rose 0.1% month-on-month and 2.4% year-on-year.
Personal services rose 0.3% month-on-month and 2.9% year-on-year, respectively.