인천교육청, 올해 제2회 초졸·중졸·고졸 검정고시 합격자 발표
초졸 검정고시 128명 응시 95.3% 122명 합격, 중졸 검정고시 359명 응시 87.5% 314명 합격, 고졸 검정고시 1,453명 응시 80.6% 1,171명 합격
기사입력: 2024/08/30 [13:41]  최종편집: ⓒ ebreaknews.com
박상도 기자
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게

▲ 인천시교육청 전경     ©박상도 기자

(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 인천시교육청이 30일  2024년 제2회 검정고시 합격자를 발표했다고 밝혔다.


인천시교육청에 따르면, 지난 8일 시행된 이번 검정고시에서 초졸 검정고시는 128명이 응시해 95.3%인 122명이 합격했다. 


중졸 검정고시는 359명이 응시, 87.5%인 314명이 합격했으며, 고졸 검정고시는 1,453명이 응시, 80.6%인 1,171명이 합격했다.


각 고시 최고령 합격자는 초졸 검정고시에 응시한 정모 씨(79세, 여)와 중졸 검정고시에 응시한 한모 씨(79세, 남), 고졸 검정고시에 응시한 박모 씨(74세, 남)다.


검정고시 합격 여부는 인천시교육청 누리집(채용/시험-시험-검정고시안내-성적조회)에서 확인할 수 있다. 


합격증서는 8월 30일부터 9월 4일까지 6일간, 매일 오전 10시부터 오후 5시까지(점심시간 12시~13시 제외) 인천시교육청 본관 지하 1층 검정고시지원실에서 배부한다.


합격증명서, 성적증명서, 과목합격증명서는 합격자 발표 후 인천시교육청과 교육지원청 민원실, 초·중·고등학교 행정실, 정부24 누리집에서 발급받을 수 있다. 


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is trying to improve comprehension. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Incheon Office of Education, Announcement of Successful Candidates for the 2nd Elementary, Middle, and High School Qualification Exams This Year

128 elementary school graduates took the equivalency exam and 95.3% of them passed, 359 middle school graduates took the equivalency exam and 87.5% of them passed, 1,453 high school graduates took the equivalency exam and 80.6% of them passed, 1,171 high school graduates took the equivalency exam and 95.3% of them passed

-Break News Incheon Park Sang-do Reporter


Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education announced on the 30th that it had announced the successful candidates for the 2nd equivalency exam in 2024.


According to Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education, in the equivalency exam held on the 8th, 128 people took the elementary school equivalency exam and 122 people, 95.3%, passed.


359 people took the middle school equivalency exam, and 314 people, or 87.5%, passed. 1,453 people took the high school equivalency exam, and 1,171 people, or 80.6%, passed.


The oldest successful candidates for each exam are Ms. Jeong (79 years old, female) who took the elementary school equivalency exam, Mr. Han (79 years old, male) who took the middle school equivalency exam, and Mr. Park (74 years old, male) who took the high school equivalency exam.


You can check whether you passed the equivalency exam on the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education website (Recruitment/Exam-Exam-Equivalency Exam Guide-Score Inquiry).


Certificates of passing will be distributed from August 30 to September 4, every day from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (excluding lunch time 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM) at the equivalency exam support office on the first basement floor of the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education main building.


After the announcement of successful applicants, certificates of passing, transcripts, and subject passing certificates can be obtained from the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education, the Office of Education Support Civil Affairs Office, the administrative offices of elementary, middle, and high schools, and the Government 24 website. 


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