▲ '8월의 인천공항세관인' 선정(사진 왼쪽부터) 신동민 정승희 신효정 주무관, 김종호 인천공항본부세관장, 이지해 박은미 백솜이 주무관(사진제공:인천공항본부세관) © 박상도 기자
(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 인천공항본부세관이 27일, 8월의 인천공항세관인에 신효정 주무관을 선정했다고 밝혔다.
인천세관에 따르면, 이번 ‘8월의 인천공항세관인’에 선정된 신효정 주무관은 부처간 협업을 통해 패스트푸드를 배급받던 난민인정신청자에게 기내식을 제공하고 기내식 제공업체의 업무절차를 간소화하여 국제난민기구(UNHCR) 난민지원 공익사례 소개 등 국가위상을 제고하고 기업지원에 기여한 공로를 인정받았다.
또, 인천세관은 각 업무 분야별 유공자로는 물류감시분야 유공자에는 인천공항 보세구역·자유무역지역 입주업체 실태조사 및 현황자료집 제작을 통해 화물관리 강화에 기여한 김지수 주무관이 선정됐다.
조사분야 유공자에는 능동적 통제배달을 통해 MDMA 20g을 국제우편으로 밀수입한 피의자를 검거하고, 은닉·재배중인 환각버섯, 환각버섯포자 및 재배도구 등을 추가로 적발한데 기여한 신동민 주무관이 선정됐다.
마약단속분야 유공자에는 사전 정보분석으로 우범화물을 선별하고 정밀검사를 수행하여 독일발 케타민 등 총 11건 13kg 마약류 적발에 기여한 정승희 주무관이 선정됐다.
또한, 8월의 업무우수자로는 해외임가공 감면을 부당하게 받아온 중국발은제품 수입업체 적발에 기여한 박은미 주무관, 해외 여행자의 야생동물 밀수패턴을 분석하여 CITES 파충류 등 총 327마리 적발에 기여한 백솜이 주무관, 밀리미터파 검색기를 활용하여 우범 여행객 신변에 은닉한 케타민 249.28g 적발에 기여한 이지해 주무관이 선정됐다.
인천공항본부세관은 앞으로도 관세행정에서 탁월한 역량을 발휘하고, 적극적인 행정으로 기관 발전에 기여한 직원을 발굴해 포상할 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working to improve comprehension. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
'Incheon Airport Customs Officer of the Month for August' Shin Hyo-jeong selected
Recognized for her contribution to protecting human rights and supporting businesses by improving the process of providing food and beverages to refugees through inter-ministerial collaboration
-Break News Incheon Park Sang-do reporter
Incheon Airport Headquarters Customs announced on the 27th that it had selected Shin Hyo-jeong as the Incheon Airport Customs Officer of the Month for August.
According to Incheon Customs, Shin Hyo-jeong, who was selected as the 'Incheon Airport Customs Officer of the Month for August' this year, was recognized for her contribution to improving the national status by providing in-flight meals to refugee status applicants who were receiving fast food through inter-ministerial collaboration and simplifying the work procedures of in-flight meal providers, introducing public interest cases of refugee support from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and contributing to corporate support.
In addition, Incheon Customs Service selected Kim Ji-soo, a senior officer, for his contribution to strengthening cargo management through the investigation of the Incheon Airport bonded area and free trade zone tenants and the production of a status report collection, as a person of merit in the logistics surveillance field.
Shin Dong-min, a senior officer, was selected for his contribution to arresting a suspect who smuggled 20g of MDMA through international mail through active control delivery, and additionally detecting hallucinogenic mushrooms, hallucinogenic mushroom spores, and cultivation tools that were being hidden and cultivated.
Jeong Seung-hee, a senior officer, was selected for his contribution to the drug crackdown field, for selecting high-risk cargo through prior information analysis and conducting a detailed inspection, thereby contributing to the detection of a total of 11 cases (13kg) of narcotics, including ketamine from Germany.
Also, as the best performers in August, Chief Park Eun-mi, who contributed to the detection of a Chinese importer of silver products that had unfairly received overseas processing discounts, Chief Baek Som-i, who contributed to the detection of a total of 327 CITES reptiles by analyzing the smuggling patterns of wild animals by overseas travelers, and Chief Lee Ji-hae, who contributed to the detection of 249.28g of ketamine hidden on the person of a criminal traveler using a millimeter wave scanner, were selected.
Incheon Airport Headquarters Customs plans to continue to discover and reward employees who demonstrate outstanding capabilities in customs administration and contribute to the development of the agency through proactive administration.