▲ 대마오일이 은닉되어있던 국제우편물(사진제공:인천공항세관) © 박상도 기자
(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 관세청은 20일 인천공항세관이 지난 2월 고농축 대마오일(대마초 THC 성분 40배 농축) 1.8kg과 흡연도구(카트리지)를 밀수입한 A씨와 해외 공급책인 한국계 캐나다인 B씨를 ‘마약류관리에관한법률’ 위반(밀수입) 혐의로 구속 수사해 인천지검에 송치했다고 밝혔다.
수사 결과, A씨와 B씨는 캐나다 현지에서 만난 사이로 텔레그램으로 연락을 유지하다가, 작년 10월과 올 1월 두 차례에 걸쳐 국제우편과 특송화물을 이용해 고농축 대마오일은 꿀 제품으로, 흡연도구는 전자부품으로 위장하는 방법을 사용해 밀수입한 사실이 드러났다.
이들은 국내·외 시세 차가 큰 고농축 대마오일을 밀수한 후 이를 원료로 하여 국내에서 직접 액상대마 카트리지를 제조·판매하려다 덜미가 잡혔다.
인천공항세관은 올해 1월 국제우편물 검사 과정에서 대마오일 2병, 1.5kg을 적발했고, 이후 통제배달을 통해 수취인 A씨를 검거했다.
또, 국내에 체류하다 해외로 도주를 시도하던 B씨를 추적해 긴급체포했으며, 검거 과정에서 작년 10월에 이루어진 밀수입 사실을 추가로 발견하고 당시 들여온 대마오일 0.3kg을 압수했다.
분석 결과 이번에 적발된 고농축 대마오일은 THC 농도가 77%(대마초의 THC 농도는 약 2~3%) 이상인 제품으로, 의존성과 중독성이 다른 대마 제품에 비해 월등히 높아 국내에 유통될 경우 국민 안전에 심각한 위험을 초래할 가능성이 있었으나 이를 사전에 차단하는 성과를 이뤘다.
한편, 관세청은 지난해부터 올 2월까지 총 140건, 약 52kg의 대마오일 등을 적발했으며, 이는 카트리지 약 52,000개, 약 2백만 회(카트리지 1개당 약 40회 흡연가능)를 흡연할 수 있는 양이다.
관세청은 “마약사범에게 고수익을 보장하는 고농축 마약류의 밀반입 차단을 위해 모든 역량을 집중하여 국민의 건강과 안전을 지키겠다”고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated with ‘Google Translate’. ‘Google Translate’ is making efforts to increase understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Incheon International Airport Customs arrests two criminals for smuggling highly concentrated cannabis oil, ‘40 times the size of cannabis’
Hemp oil disguised as a honey product, the concentration of THC, which causes hallucinations, reaches 77%...,
-Break News Incheon Reporter Park Sang-do
On the 20th, the Korea Customs Service announced that Incheon International Airport Customs had arrested Mr. A, who smuggled 1.8 kg of highly concentrated cannabis oil (40 times more concentrated cannabis THC content) and smoking tools (cartridges), and Mr. B, a Korean-Canadian who was an overseas supplier, in February. It was announced that he had been arrested, investigated and forwarded to the Incheon District Prosecutors' Office on charges of violating the 'Narcotics Control Act' (smuggling).
As a result of the investigation, Mr. A and Mr. B met in Canada and maintained contact through Telegram, and on two occasions in October of last year and January of this year, they used international mail and express cargo to exchange highly concentrated cannabis oil as a honey product and smoking utensils. It was revealed that it was smuggled into the country by disguising it as electronic components.
They were caught trying to smuggle highly concentrated cannabis oil, which has a large price difference between domestic and foreign markets, and then use it as a raw material to manufacture and sell liquid cannabis cartridges directly in Korea.
Incheon Airport Customs detected 2 bottles of hemp oil (1.5 kg) during an international mail inspection in January of this year, and later arrested the recipient, Mr. A, through controlled delivery.
In addition, Mr. B, who had been staying in Korea and was attempting to escape abroad, was tracked down and arrested immediately. During the arrest, additional smuggling that took place in October of last year was discovered and 0.3 kg of hemp oil imported at that time was confiscated.
As a result of the analysis, the highly concentrated cannabis oil detected this time is a product with a THC concentration of more than 77% (the THC concentration of cannabis is about 2-3%), and its dependence and addiction are much higher than other cannabis products, so it is a risk to public safety if distributed in Korea. There was the possibility of causing a serious risk, but we were able to prevent it in advance.
Meanwhile, from last year to February of this year, the Korea Customs Service detected a total of 140 cases of approximately 52 kg of hemp oil, which is approximately 52,000 cartridges, which can be smoked approximately 2 million times (each cartridge can be smoked approximately 40 times). It's a sheep.
The Korea Customs Service said, “We will protect the health and safety of the people by concentrating all our capabilities to block the smuggling of highly concentrated drugs that guarantee high profits to drug criminals.”