2024년 5월 인천지역 무역수지 0.5억 달러 적자 기록
수출 7.6% 증가 50.5억 달러, 수입 2.8% 증가 51.0억 달러 기록
기사입력: 2024/06/17 [14:09]  최종편집: ⓒ ebreaknews.com
박상도 기자
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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▲ 월별 수출입 전년대비 증감률(%) 및 5월 수출액(억 달러)(사진제공:인천세관)  © 박상도 기자

(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 인천세관이 17일, 2024년 5월 인천지역 수출입 현황를 발표했다.


인천세관에 따르면, 전년 동월 대비 수출은 7.6% 증가한 50.5억 달러, 수입은 2.8% 증가한 51.0억 달러로, 무역수지 0.5억 달러 적자 기록했다.


5월 수출은 전년 동월 대비 8개월 연속 증가, 수입은 2개월 연속 증가를 기록했다.


수출을 품목별로 살펴보면, 주요 수출품목 중에 반도체(전년동월대비 증감률 21.6%)ㆍ승용차(5.5%)ㆍ의약품(49.7%)ㆍ무선통신기기(27.6%) 등은 증가했으며, 기계류와 정밀기기(△8.4%)ㆍ철강제품(△13.2) 등은 감소했다.


국가별로 보면, 주요 수출대상국 중에 중국(전년동월대비 증감률 10.4%)ㆍ미국(11.5)ㆍ유럽연합(4.6%)ㆍ베트남(15.0%) 등은 증가했으며, 독립국가연합(△18.8%)ㆍ일본(△21.3%) 등은 감소했다.


수입을 품목별로 살펴보면, 주요 수입품목 중에 반도체(전년동월대비 증감률 72.2%)․기계류와 정밀기기(4.3%)․화공품(20.0%)․수송장비(7.5%) 등은 증가했으며, 원유(△11.5%)․가스(△62.7%)․광물(△32.0%) 등은 감소했다.


소비재는 곡물(14.6%)ㆍ가전제품(7.1%)ㆍ금(83.5%)ㆍ플라스틱제품(17.5%) 등은 증가했으며, 승용차(△65.9%) 등은 감소돼 전체적으로 9.3% 증가했다.


자본재는 41.2% 증가) 반도체(72.2%)ㆍ기계류와 정밀기기(4.3%)ㆍ수송장비(7.5%)ㆍ정보통신기기(46.5%) 등은 증가돼 전체적으로 41.2% 증가했다. 


원자재는 화공품(20.0%) 등 증가, 원유(△11.5%)ㆍ가스(△62.7%)ㆍ광물(△32.0%)ㆍ경공업원료(△16.0%) 등 감소돼 전체적으로24.9% 감소했다. 


국가별로는 주요 수입대상국 중에 대만(전년동월대비 증감률 132.6%)ㆍ중국(0.6%)ㆍ미국(13.0%)ㆍ중남미(20.7%) 등은 증가했으며, 중동(△42.1%)ㆍ호주(△48.8%)ㆍ일본(△26.1%) 등은 감소했다.


물동량은 인천항을 통한 5월 컨테이너 수출입 물동량은 전체 31.2만 TEU(전국 비중 11.5%)로, 전년 동월 대비 9.6% 증가했다. 


수출입 특이사항으로는  5월 수출은 전년 동월 대비 7.6% 증가한 50.5억 달러로, 지난해 10월 이후 8개월 연속 증가세를 기록했으며 전월 대비 수출액은 3.6% 증가했다.


수출 중량은 전년 동월 대비 8.8% 감소하며 103.2만 톤 기록했다.


국가별 수출은 주요 교역국인 중국(10.4%)은 7개월 연속 증가세를, 미국(11.5%)은 8개월 연속 증가세를 기록했다.


인천지역 최대 수출품목인 반도체 수출 실적은 전년 동월 대비 21.6% 증가하며, 지난해 11월 이후 7개월 연속 증가세 기록했다.


승용차 수출은 전년 동월 대비 신차 수출 실적 증가(12.9%)에 힘입어 3개월 만에 증가세(5.5%)를 기록했다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated with ‘Google Translate’. ‘Google Translate’ is making efforts to increase understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


In May 2024, Incheon region's trade balance will be in deficit of $0.5 billion.

Exports increased by 7.6% to $5.05 billion, and imports increased by 2.8% to $5.10 billion.

-Break News Incheon Reporter Park Sang-do


On the 17th, Incheon Customs announced the status of exports and imports in the Incheon region for May 2024.


According to Incheon Customs, compared to the same month last year, exports increased by 7.6% to $5.05 billion, and imports increased by 2.8% to $5.10 billion, resulting in a trade deficit of $0.5 billion.


Exports in May increased for 8 consecutive months compared to the same month last year, and imports increased for 2 consecutive months.


Looking at exports by item, among the major export items, semiconductors (21.6% increase/decrease rate compared to the same month last year), passenger cars (5.5%), pharmaceuticals (49.7%), and wireless communication devices (27.6%) increased, while machinery and precision devices (27.6%) increased. △8.4%) and steel products (△13.2) decreased.


By country, among major export destinations, there was an increase in China (10.4% increase/decrease rate compared to the same month last year), the United States (11.5), the European Union (4.6%), and Vietnam (15.0%), while the Commonwealth of Independent States (△18.8%) Countries such as Japan (△21.3%) decreased.


Looking at imports by item, among the major imported items, semiconductors (72.2% increase/decrease rate compared to the same month last year), machinery and precision equipment (4.3%), chemicals (20.0%), and transportation equipment (7.5%) increased, while crude oil (△ 11.5%), gas (△62.7%), and minerals (△32.0%) decreased.


Consumer goods such as grains (14.6%), home appliances (7.1%), gold (83.5%), and plastic products (17.5%) increased, while passenger cars (△65.9%) decreased, increasing by 9.3% overall.


Capital goods increased by 41.2%), semiconductors (72.2%), machinery and precision equipment (4.3%), transportation equipment (7.5%), and information and communication equipment (46.5%) increased by 41.2% overall.


Raw materials increased by 20.0% for chemical products, but decreased by 24.9% overall, including crude oil (△11.5%), gas (△62.7%), minerals (△32.0%), and light industrial raw materials (△16.0%).


By country, among the major import destinations, there was an increase in Taiwan (132.6% increase/decrease compared to the same month last year), China (0.6%), the United States (13.0%), and Central and South America (20.7%), while the Middle East (△42.1%) and Australia (△48.8%) %) and Japan (△26.1%) decreased.


The total container import and export volume through Incheon Port in May was 312,000 TEU (11.5% of the national share), an increase of 9.6% compared to the same month last year.


As for exports and imports, exports in May were $5.05 billion, up 7.6% from the same month last year, recording an increase for eight consecutive months since October last year, and exports increased by 3.6% from the previous month.


Export weight decreased by 8.8% compared to the same month last year, reaching 1.032 million tons.


Exports by country showed an increase for 7 consecutive months in China (10.4%), a major trading partner, and for 8 consecutive months in the United States (11.5%).


Semiconductor export performance, the largest export item in the Incheon region, increased by 21.6% compared to the same month last year, recording an increase for seven consecutive months since November of last year.


Passenger car exports recorded an increase (5.5%) for the first time in three months, thanks to an increase in new car exports (12.9%) compared to the same month last year. 


ⓒ ebreaknews.com. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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