2021년 1월 인천세관 수출입 동향
인천항 및 인천공항 통한 무역액 전년동기대비 각각 3.7%, 40.8% 증가
기사입력: 2021/02/17 [14:20]  최종편집: ⓒ ebreaknews.com
박상도 기자
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게

(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 인천본부세관이 ’21년 1월 인천항 및 인천공항(이하‘인천세관’)을 통한 수출입동향 분석 결과를 발표했다.

자료에 따르면  ’21년 1월 인천세관을 통한 수출액은 전년동기대비 23.0% 증가한 67억불, 수입액은 23.3% 증가한 151억불, 총 무역액은 23.2% 증가한 218억불(전국의 23.6% 차지)로서 이는 전국 무역액 증가율(7.5%↑)을 크게 상회했다.

인천항의 수출액은 전년동기대비 3.4% 증가한 22억불, 수입액은 3.7% 증가한 65억불, 총 무역액은 3.7% 증가한 87억불이며, 인천공항의 수출액은 전년동기대비 35.9% 증가한 45억불, 수입액은 43.4% 증가한 86억불, 총 무역액은 40.8% 증가한 131억불이었다.

인천세관을 통한 1월 수출액은 전년동기대비 23.0% 증가한 67억불로 전국 수출액의 14%를 차지했다.

특히, ‘주요 수출품목인 반도체의 수출’에 기인한 전기·전자제품(비중 49%, 전년동기대비 24%↑)과‘의약품 등의 수출’에 기인한 화공품(비중 14%, 전년동기대비 33%↑)의 수출 증가폭이 높아졌다.

품목별로는 전기·전자제품(32.8억불) > 화공품(9.2억불) > 기계류· 정밀기기(8.7억불) > 철강제품(3.8억불) > 수송장비(2.6억불)순이며‘반도체’ 수출액은 20.1억불로서 전체 수출액의 29.7% 차지했다.

국가별로는 중국(18.8억불) > 아세안(13.3억불) > 유럽(7.7억불) > 미국(7.2억불) > 홍콩(6.3억불) > 일본(3.1억불) > 중남미(2.3억불)순이다.

인천항의 수출액은 전년동기대비 3.4% 증가한 22억불로 집계됐으며, 특히 ‘승용차 및 부품의 수출’에 기인한 수송장비(비중 8%, 전년동기대비 46%↑)와 ‘금속제품 및 합금강 등의 수출’에 기인한 철강제품(비중 9%, 전년동기대비 17%↑)의 수출 증가폭이 컸다.

품목별로는 전기·전자제품(5.4억불) > 화공품(4.0억불) > 기계류· 정밀기기(3.7억불) > 철강제품(2.0억불) > 수송장비(1.9억불)순이며 국가별로는 중국(7.8억불) > 아세안(5.3억불) > 미국(1.6억불) > 유럽(1.5억불) > 일본(1.1억불) > 중남미(1.0억불) > 홍콩(0.6억불)순이다.

인천공항의 수출액은 전년동기대비 35.9% 증가한 45억불로 집계됐다.

특히,‘코로나19 관련 의약품 수출’에 기인한 화공품(비중 12%, 전년동기대비 260%)의 수출이 큰 폭으로 증가했고‘인천 반도체 전체 수출액의 84%가 인천공항을 통한 수출’인 만큼 전기·전자제품(비중 61%, 전년동기대비 34%↑)의 수출 역시 크게 증가했다.

품목별로는 전기·전자제품(27.4억불) > 화공품(5.2억불) > 기계류·정밀기기(5.0억불) > 철강제품(1.8억불) > 수송장비(0.7억불)순이며 국가별로는 중국(11.0억불) > 아세안(8.0억불) > 유럽(6.2억불) > 홍콩(5.7억불) > 미국(5.6억불) > 일본(2.0억불) > 중남미(1.3억불)순이다.

인천세관을 통한 1월 수입액은 전년동기대비 23.3% 증가한 151억불로 전국 수입액의 34%를 차지했다.

특히,‘반도체 수입’에 기인한 전기·전자기기(비중 38%, 전년동기대비 42%↑)와 ‘반도체 제조용 장비 및 정밀 측정기기 등의 수입’에 기인한 기계류·정밀기기(비중 15%, 전년동기대비 44%↑)의 수입 증가폭이 높아졌다.

품목별로는 전기·전자기기(57.3억불) > 기계류·정밀기기(22.9억불) > 화공품(12.6억불) > 연료(10.3억불) > 비철금속(4.3억불) > 철강재(3.2억불)순이며 ‘반도체’ 수입액은 21.3억불로서 전체 수입액의 14.1% 차지했다.

국가별로는 중국(50.6억불) > 아세안(22.0억불) > 유럽(21.0억불) > 미국(12.7억불) > 일본(9.7억불) > 중동(6.0억불) > 중남미(2.7억불)순이다.

인천항의 수입액은 전년동기대비 3.7% 증가한 65억불로 원자재류의 수입이 증가한 것으로 나타났다.

특히,‘화합물과 화학제품의 수입’에 기인한 화공품(비중 8%, 전년동기대비 22%↑)과‘알루미늄 및 구리 등의 수입’에 기인한 비철금속(비중 4%, 전년동기대비 19%↑)의 수입 증가폭이 컸다.

품목별로는 전기ㆍ전자기기(13.3억불) > 연료(10.2억불) > 화공품(5.0억불) > 기계류·정밀기기(4.5억불) > 철강재(2.8억불) > 비철금속(2.3억불)순이며 국가별로는 중국(32.0억불) > 아세안(10.5억불) > 중동(5.7억불) > 미국(2.7억불) > 일본(2.3억불) > 중남미(1.7억불) > 유럽(1.4억불)순이다.

인천공항의 수입액은 전년동기대비 43.4% 증가한 86억불로 집계됐다.

특히,‘반도체 및 정보통신기기의 수입’으로 전기·전자기기(비중 51%, 전년동기대비 53%)의 수입이 증가했다.

또한, 기계류 중 ‘반도체 제조용 장비의 수입이 236% 급증’한 것으로 보아 국내 반도체 제조업체의 성장을 눈여겨 볼 만하다.

품목별로는 전기ㆍ전자기기(44.0억불) > 기계류·정밀기기(18.4억불) > 화공품(7.6억불) > 비철금속(2.0억불) > 철강재(0.4억불)순이다.

국가별로는 유럽(20억불) > 중국(18.6억불) > 아세안(11.5억불) > 미국(10.0억불) > 일본(7.4억불) > 중남미(1.0억불) > 중동(0.3억불)순이다.

수출입 물동량을 보면 ’21년 1월 인천세관을 통한 수출입 물동량(중량기준)은 전년동기대비 4.3% 감소한 697만톤으로 집계되어 전국의 11.5%를 차지했고 그 중 수출 물동량은 전년동기대비 7.5% 증가한 111만톤, 수입 물동량은 전년동기대비 6.3% 감소한 586만톤이었다.

인천항을 통한 수출입 물동량(중량기준)은 전년동기대비 5.2% 감소한 672만톤이며, 수출 물동량은 전년동기대비 5.0% 증가한 98만톤, 수입 물동량은 전년동기대비 6.8% 감소한 574만톤으로 나타났다.

반면, 인천항을 통한 컨테이너 수출입 물동량은 전년동기대비 15.8% 증가한 31만TEU(전국 컨테이너 물동량의 12.5% 차지)로 집계됐고, 그 중 수출 물동량은 전년동기대비 11.9% 증가한 15만TEU, 수입 물동량은 전년동기대비 13.1% 증가한 16만TEU였다.

인천공항을 통한 수출입 물동량(중량기준)은 전년동기대비 28.1% 증가한 25만톤이며, 수출 물동량은 전년동기대비 31.6% 증가한 13만톤, 수입 물동량은 전년동기대비 24.5% 증가한 12만톤이었다.

아래는 위의 글를 구글번역이 번역한 영문의〈전문〉이다.【The following is an English <full text> translated by Google Translate.】

Incheon Customs Import and Export Trend for January 2021
The amount of trade through Incheon Port and Incheon Airport increased by 3.7% and 40.8% YoY, respectively.
-Reporter Park Sang-do, Break News Incheon

The Incheon Headquarters Customs announced the results of the analysis of export and import trends through Incheon Port and Incheon Airport (hereinafter referred to as “Incheon Customs”) in January 21.

According to the data, exports through Incheon Customs in January 2009 increased by 23.0% year-on-year to $6.7 billion, imports increased by 23.3% to $11.5 billion, and total trade increased by 23.2% to $21.8 billion (accounting for 23.6% of the nation's trade). It greatly exceeded the increase rate (7.5%↑).

Incheon Port's exports increased 3.4% year-on-year to 2.2 billion dollars, imports increased 3.7% year-on-year to 6.5 billion dollars, total trade amount increased 3.7% to 8,7 billion dollars, and Incheon Airport's exports increased 35.9% year-on-year to $4.5 billion, and imports increased 43.4%. The total amount of trade was $8.6 billion, up 40.8% to $131.3 billion.

January exports through Incheon Customs increased 23.0% year-on-year to $6.7 billion, accounting for 14% of the nation's exports.

In particular, electrical and electronic products (49% of the share, 24% ↑ compared to the same period last year) and chemical products (14% of the share, 33 compared to the same period last year) were attributed to the'export of semiconductors, which are major export items. %↑), the increase in exports increased.

By item, electrical and electronic products ($3.28 billion)> chemical products ($9.2 billion)> machinery and precision equipment ($8.7 billion)> steel products ($380 million)> transportation equipment ($260 million), and the export of'semiconductors' is $20.1 billion. It accounted for 29.7% of total exports.

By country, China ($18.80 billion)> ASEAN ($1.33 billion)> Europe ($700 million)> United States ($7.2 billion)> Hong Kong ($6.3 billion)> Japan ($3.1 billion)> Central and South America ($2.3 billion).

Incheon Port's exports increased by 3.4% year-on-year to 2.2 billion dollars. In particular, exports of transportation equipment (8% of the proportion, 46% ↑ compared to the same period last year) and ‘exports of passenger cars and parts’ The increase in exports of steel products (9% of the proportion, 17% ↑ compared to the same period last year) was large due to'.

By item, electric and electronic products ($540 million)> chemical products ($400 billion)> machinery and precision equipment ($370 million)> steel products ($200 million)> transportation equipment ($190 million), and by country: China ($7.8 billion)> ASEAN ($ 530 million)> US ($ 160 million)> Europe ($ 150 million)> Japan ($ 110 million)> Central and South America ($ 100 million)> Hong Kong ($ 0.6 billion).

Incheon Airport's exports amounted to $4.5 billion, up 35.9% from the same period last year.

In particular, exports of chemicals (12% of the proportion, 260% year-on-year) due to'Corona 19-related drug exports' increased significantly, and 84% of the total exports of semiconductors in Incheon were exported through Incheon Airport. · Exports of electronic products (61% of the proportion, 34% ↑ compared to the same period last year) also increased significantly.

By item, electric and electronic products ($2.74 billion)> chemical products ($5.2 billion)> machinery and precision equipment ($500 million)> steel products ($180 million)> transportation equipment ($0.7 billion), and by country, China ($1.1 billion)> ASEAN ($800 million)> Europe ($6.2 billion)> Hong Kong ($570 million)> US ($560 million)> Japan ($200 million)> Central and South America ($130 million).

January imports through Incheon Customs increased 23.3% year-on-year to $15.1 billion, accounting for 34% of the nation's imports.

In particular, electrical and electronic equipment (38% of the share, 42% ↑ compared to the same period of the previous year) due to'semiconductor imports' and machinery and precision equipment (15% of the share, imported from semiconductor manufacturing equipment and precision measuring equipment) Compared to the same period last year, 44%↑), the increase in income increased.

By item, electrical and electronic devices ($5.73 billion)> machinery and precision equipment ($22.9 billion)> chemical products ($12.6 billion)> fuel ($10.3 billion)> non-ferrous metals ($4.3 billion)> steel products ($3.2 billion), followed by'semiconductor' imports Silver was $ 2.13 billion, accounting for 14.1% of the total income.

By country, China ($0.66 billion)> ASEAN ($22.0 billion)> Europe ($21.0 billion)> United States ($12.7 billion)> Japan ($970 million)> Middle East ($60 billion)> Central and South America ($270 million).

The import amount of Incheon Port was $6.5 billion, an increase of 3.7% year-on-year, indicating an increase in imports of raw materials.

In particular, chemicals (8% of the proportion, 22% ↑ compared to the same period of the previous year) and non-ferrous metals (4% of the proportion, 19% ↑ of the same period last year) due to the'import of compounds and chemicals' )'S income increased significantly.

By item, electric/electronic devices ($1.33 billion)> fuel (10.2 billion dollars)> chemical products ($500 million)> machinery and precision equipment ($450 million)> steel products ($280 million)> non-ferrous metals ($2.3 billion). $3.22 billion)> ASEAN ($10.5 billion)> Middle East ($570 million)> US ($270 million)> Japan ($2.3 billion)> Central and South America ($1.7 billion)> Europe ($1.4 billion).

Incheon Airport's imports were totaled at $8.6 billion, up 43.4% year-on-year.

In particular, imports of electric and electronic devices (51% of the share, 53% compared to the same period last year) increased due to “the import of semiconductors and information and communication devices”.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the growth of domestic semiconductor manufacturers as it is seen that “the import of semiconductor manufacturing equipment has soared 236%” among machinery.

By item, electric and electronic equipment ($44.0 billion)> machinery and precision equipment ($1.84 billion)> chemical products ($700 million)> non-ferrous metals ($200 million)> steel products ($0.4 billion).

By country, Europe ($2 billion)> China ($1.86 billion)> ASEAN ($11.5 billion)> US ($10.0 billion)> Japan ($740 million)> Central and South America ($100 million)> Middle East ($0.3 billion).

Looking at the volume of imports and exports, the volume of imports and exports (by weight) through Incheon Customs in January 2009 was 6.97 million tons, down 4.3% from the same period last year, accounting for 11.5% of the country, of which exports increased 7.5% from the same period last year. Ten thousand tons and imported cargo volume fell 6.3% year-on-year to 5.84 million tons.

The volume of imports and exports through Incheon Port (by weight) was 6,220,000 tons, a decrease of 5.2% year-on-year, while the volume of exports was 980,000 tons, up 5.0% year-on-year, and 5.74 million tons of imports and imports decreased 6.8% year-on-year.

On the other hand, container import and export volume through Incheon Port increased 15.8% year-on-year to 310,000 TEU (accounting for 12.5% ​​of nationwide container traffic volume), of which export volume increased 11.9% year-on-year to 150,000 TEU, and import volume was year-on-year. It was 160,000 TEU, an increase of 13.1% over the same period.

The volume of imports and exports through Incheon Airport (by weight) was 28.1% to 250,000 tons, an increase of 28.1% year-on-year, and exports to 130,000 tons, an increase of 31.6% over the same period of the previous year, and 120,000 tons of imports, an increase of 24.5% year-on-year.


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트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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2021인천본부세관,1월 인천세관 수출입 동향,인천항 수출입,인천공항 수출입, 관련기사목록
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