▲ '5월의 인천공항세관인'(왼쪽부터) 김주현 최인미 주무관, 김종호 인천공항본부세관장, 오누리 유미리내 이승창 주무관(사진제공:인천공항본부세관) ©박상도 기자
(브레이크뉴스인천 박상도 기자) 인천공항본부세관이 30일, ‘5월의 인천공항세관인’에 유미리내 주무관을 선정했다고 밝혔다.
인천공항세관에 따르면, 유미리내 주무관은 우범요소를 연계한 적극적인 X-ray 판독으로 라오스發 국제우편물 속 의류에 은닉된 메트암페타민 등 마약류 6.4kg을 적발한 공로를 인정받았다.
각 업무 분야별 유공자로는 조사분야 유공자에는 반송용 면세담배 71만갑(58억원 상당)을 특수제작한 담배모형과 바꿔치기한 밀수조직을 일망타진하고, 총책을 구속하는데 기여한 이승창 주무관이 선정됐다.,
특수통관분야 유공자에는 마약류 우범수법을 확장․분석하여 메트암페타민, 야바 등 7.3kg 적발에 기여한 최인미 주무관이 선정됐다.
여행자통관분야 유공자에는 해외여행자의 특이사항에 착안하여 신발에 은닉된 메트암메타민 450g 적발에 기여한 김주현 주무관이 선정됐다.
또, 특허 기간이 만료된 김포 보세판매장의 시설복구 공사에 따른 신규 보세판매장 운영 애로를 최소화하여 여행자 편의에 기여한 오누리 주무관을 5월의 업무우수자로 선정했다.
인천공항본부세관은 앞으로도 관세행정에서 탁월한 역량을 발휘하고, 적극적인 행정으로 기관 발전에 기여한 직원을 발굴해 포상할 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글번역'으로 번역한 영문기사의 [전문]입니다.‘구글번역’은 이해도 높이기를 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated with ‘Google Translate’. ‘Google Translate’ is making efforts to increase understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Yumirinae was selected as ‘Incheon Airport Customs Officer of May’
Incheon, credited with detecting 6.4kg of drugs hidden in clothing through active X-ray analysis
-Break News Incheon Reporter Park Sang-do
On the 30th, Incheon Airport Headquarters Customs announced that it had selected Chief Customs Officer Yu Mirinae as the ‘Incheon Airport Customs Officer of May’.
According to the Incheon International Airport Customs, Officer Yu Mirinae was recognized for his role in detecting 6.4 kg of narcotics, including methamphetamine, hidden in clothing in international mail from Laos through active X-ray reading linked to criminal elements.
The person of merit in each field of work was Lee Seung-chang, an official in charge of the investigation who contributed to uncovering a smuggling organization that exchanged 710,000 packs of duty-free cigarettes (equivalent to KRW 5.8 billion) with specially made cigarette models for return, and detaining the person in charge.
Officer In-mi Choi was selected as a person of merit in the field of special customs clearance, who contributed to the detection of 7.3 kg of methamphetamine, yaba, etc. by expanding and analyzing drug crime methods.
Officer Kim Joo-hyun, who contributed to the detection of 450g of methamphetamine hidden in shoes by focusing on the special information of overseas travelers, was selected as a person of merit in the field of traveler customs clearance.
In addition, Supervisor Onuri, who contributed to the convenience of travelers by minimizing the difficulties in operating a new bonded store due to facility restoration work at the Gimpo bonded store where the patent period expired, was selected as the best performer of May.
Incheon Airport Headquarters Customs will continue to discover and reward employees who have demonstrated outstanding capabilities in customs administration and contributed to the development of the organization through active administration.